Sunday, September 10, 2006

Xtra Tufs...Hmmm

And today’s weather will be.....RAIN! Yes, it’s another wet day in Juneau. This is the price that we must pay to live in one of the greenest places on earth. I suppose it’s a given that there will be much rain when living in a RAINforest and yet people seem to be shocked and appalled...hmmm. So, due to the excessive rain one of the staples in the wardrobe area for most Alaskans is the notorious Xtra Tuf...aka the Alaskan running shoe, flip flop, dress shoe, etc. Yes, the Xtra Tuf serves all purposes here. I walked my roommate’s dog yesterday (in the rain) and after I got dressed and was walking down the street I realized something...I was wearing black silk long underwear, a denim skirt and of course...Yep you guessed Xtra Tufs. I know what you’re thinking what a goofy outfit. Who wears long underwear, a skirt and brown rubber boots (the kind commonly seen on fishermen)? Well, the answer is me and you know something here in Alaska it is part of the fashion. Now, if I were to walk downtown in a city like say Seattle people would look at me like I was a fashion disaster. In Alaska people don’t bat an eyelash because it is so common and fashionably accepted. I actually like my Xtra Tufs in fact. The interesting irony to that small detail however is this...when I first moved here I swore I would never buy any of those UGLY brown rubber boots. Well, I guess I ate my words because not only did I buy them but I love them. So, today's lesson...never say never. I should have learned that lesson long ago due to the fact that I have eaten my words many a time but apparently in this area I am a slow learner.


Blogger we.are.the.disconnect said...

Perhaps if you walked down the street in Seattle you would get extra points...hmmm?

2:25 PM  

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